Tuesday, February 28, 2017

COLOR: Ink and watercolor

Yesterday the class made drawings from a large still life arrangement. The image was first drawn in ink and then colored with watercolor. Students will have class time tomorrow to complete these drawings.

Friday, February 24, 2017

COLOR: watercolor



On Wednesday the class began using watercolors. The three examples above are a sample of the various techniques explored. The forms in Kayla's drawing are very light and transparent. The colors are bright and luminous yet soft.
The layered and expressive brushstrokes in Luke's drawing have combined texture, light and value. The forms and space appear heavy and tangible.
Olivia has very carefully rendered the value transitions observed in each form. The objects are rich in color and value illustrating the light and volume. She has balanced the composition and unified the forms by using a little of each color in all of the objects. For example, blue in the shadow of the pear and yellow on the light areas of the die.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

COLOR: Personal Still Life



Yesterday the class finished working on their Color projects. Ivan has created a surreal world where roving eyes patrol the landscape. His use of angles and extreme perspective add to the menacing characters and apocalyptic narrative.
Luke has created a very well balanced still life arrangement with an "x" rhythm established through the placement of the yellow objects and the repetition of the waxy, green blobs in the lava lamp and upper left corner. The location of the red objects creates a triangular movement. The colors are bold and rich and the light is luminous.
Sydnee has created a cosmic, boat ride down a twisting and meandering, blue stream. Her use of repeating elements throughout the composition keeps the "eye" moving throughout the image.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

COLOR: Individual Still Life

Yesterday the class started working on compositions of their own choosing. Tomorrow's class will be dedicated to completed these drawings. Pix to follow.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

COLOR: Still Life


Yesterday the class made drawings using colored pencils on black paper addressing the local values and colors of the still life. Luke's drawing is well composed exhibiting an exaggerated sense of volume and light. The edges of the forms appear to glow with a very dense application of the medium.
Lyric has very skillfully balanced the full still life on the page. She has employed a more open and airy technique for applying the medium. The colors and values are soft yet the forms exhibit light and volume rendered with a combination of colors and cross-hatching.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017



Yesterday the class made drawings on black paper with white colored pencil. The objective was to create a Value Reversal. Rather than merely draw with white pencil creating the appearance of a negative, students drew the white areas using the black tone of the paper for the shadows while applying light layers of pencil for gray values. The two drawings above reflect the varied methods used. Ivan's drawing exhibits a variety of mark-making with busy directional changes sprinkled with accents addressing the "categories of light." Rainey's drawing addresses the light patterns as well yet she has focused of the light and dark rhythms of the variously toned shapes within the objects.

Thursday, February 2, 2017


Yesterday's project focused on composition as well as improvising form.  Each student chose an object that combined form and function. In other words, the object needed to have a pleasing design aside from just being functional.  First the object was zoomed in, cropped and drawn to touch 3 to 4 sides of the frame. In the remaining three frames the object's form was improvised by twisting, bending and stretching it in an effort to create interesting shapes within the negative areas as well as the positive.