Thursday, April 27, 2017



For this project students were to combine two objects morphing them into one.
Kayla has created a very endearing image of sisterhood. The circle of women very elegantly flows into the braid symbolizing the intimacy, power and strength of their bond. In addition, her use of color to highlight and accent the dark lines adds depth and individuality to the women and their hair.
Luke has created a very nightmarish image by transforming a slimy snail into an equally grotesque face. His attention to light, form and texture is skillfully realized. In addition, the design element of the wiggly border is very complementary to the slimy trail left behind by the snail.

Thursday, April 20, 2017




For this project students combined multiple drawings on tracing paper to create a new form.
David's drawing is a very dynamic composition with rhythmic shapes and linear elements. Illustrated in a 1950's sci-fi style, the central form is a Dada-esque absurd mechanism. The movement of this form is complemented by fluid, looping scribbles which in turn are complemented by the contours of the flowery silhouette of the white shape.
Lyric has created an alien world where machines have developed fleshy exteriors turning into living organisms like the beings that created them. The space is dense and layered balanced similar yet reinvented forms throughout.
William has illustrated a narrative of clumsy, infantile mechanical beings plodding over uneven terrain. Although each face consists of the exact same features and placement, their expressions are unique to each one when combined with the gesture of their bodies.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017




Last week the class worked on the "Sequential Image Project." Yesterday we critiqued this work.
Andrea's drawings are reminiscent of small Mexican comic books of pre-Columbian codices. An interesting aspect of the image is how both foreground and background evolve together. As the soldiers falls the flames are like a curtain closing across the stage of the battlefield.
Erin's drawing illustrates the development of an owl. The cartoonish fetal owl floats in darkness where the newborn is comfortably nestled inside its nest and the owl of the last image appears to look back at the viewer as curiously as we do it.
Olivia's simple drawings of hands seem to ritualistically gesture at the sun as the bees anticipate the gathering of pollen and the flower winds its way up the arm eventually blossoming.